2014/8/12 (二) 22:00-23:00 teamviewer會議見


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Booking a ticket

A: Hello, I need to schedule my trip to Paris for next week?
B: When would you like to travel?
A: I have to reach Paris by the 24th.
B: Is this a round trip? Will you need a return ticket, too?
A: Yes. Check that for 31st in the evening.
B: Yes, there’s a nonstop flight to Paris from Kennedy airport on 24th at 6AM.
    On 31st you may board flight 309 which is also nonstop at 4:30PM.
A: Okay, fine. I think that can work for me.
B: Would you like to book the tickets then?
A: What’s the cost?
B: It’ll be $2750.
A: Do you accept cards?
B: Yes, we do.



Oral practice clues:

1. Choose a place you would like to travel to.
2. Will you book a one-way ticket or a return ticket for the trip?
3. When will be the departure date? When will you return?
4. Ask the cost of the ticket(s).
5. Decide the way you will pay the ticket(s).



Learn to choose your flight seats.

flight seats


Booking a hotel
A: I’d like to book a hotel in Paris, please.
B: Sure, we can help you find a great place.
A: Well, I need a budget hotel that’s near the marketplaces.
B: Certainly, just give me a sec...Okay, here’s one. It’s the Belladonna on Locke Avenue.
A: What are the rates for 1 person?
B: It costs $150 per night. The room is big and has one queen size bed.
A: Okay, book that for 3 nights then, from 24th to 26th of this month.
B: Certainly Sir, is there anything else I could help you with?
A: That’d all for now, thank you!

Oral practice clues and supplements:

Learn to use below info to book your hotel rooms.



Enquiring for a lower fare
A: How may I help you?
B: I need to book three tickets in economy class for Tokyo on the 28th of May.
A: Okay...Yes, here’s a flight on ANA from San Francisco to Tokyo.
    Would you like the return tickets, too?
B: No, just one way. How much is the fare?
A: It would be $5570 for the three tickets.
B: Are there any other cheaper flights?
A: This is the cheapest for that day.
     However, if you book for the 1st of June, you’ll have to pay only $4800
     for three tickets on JAL.
B: I see. Let me talk to my husband and call you back.


lower fare

Oral practice clues:

1. Choose your flight seats and tickets.
2. Decide the departure date and ask the fare.
3. Ask cheaper fare.


Cancelling a booking
A: Hello, I need to cancel my flight to Tokyo.
B: Okay. Do you know the date and the reservation number?
A: I booked it yesterday. It’ll be under Emma Brown, number Z21455.
B: Alright, here’s it. It’s flight 1200 to Tokyo on June 2nd, right? Seat numbers 88A and 88B...
A: Yeah, yeah. That’s the one.
B: Would you like to cancel both of them?
A: Yes.
B: You will get back only 85% of the fare.
A: I understand.
B: Alright. Would you like to schedule another flight?
A: No, but I will be back to you soon.
B: Thank you Mrs. Watson, let me cancel your ticket.

Oral practice clues:

1. Think of the departure date, the reservation number, flight number and seat number
    for cancellation.
2. Check how much money you can get back after the cancellation.


Repeat these phrases
1. Hello, I need to schedule my trip to Paris for next week?
2. I have to reach Paris by the 24th.
3. I’d like to book a hotel in Paris, please.
4. Do you accept cards?
5. What are the rates for 1 person?
6. I need to book three tickets in economy class for Tokyo on the 28th of May.
7. How much is the fare?
8. Hello, I need to cancel my flight to Tokyo.
9. I booked it yesterday. It’ll be under Emma Brown, number Z21455.




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