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2014/10/29 (三) 22:00-23:00 teamviewer會議見

Topic: Deciding on a movie

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2014/10/1 (三) 22:00-23:00 teamviewer會議見


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2014/9/2 (二) 22:00-23:00 teamviewer會議見


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2014/8/26 (二) 22:00-23:00 teamviewer會議見

這次主題是練習如何從飯店check out和check out過程中會遇到的狀況

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2014/8/19 (二) 22:00-23:00 teamviewer會議見



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Vocabulary preview before listening:

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2014/8/12 (二) 22:00-23:00 teamviewer會議見


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2014/8/5 (二) 22:00-23:00 teamviewer會議見


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If you have trouble in starting to place an order in English, this is a good practice to know
the ways to order for your company. This is particularly for those who work as sales or

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Vocabulary preview before listening: 

1. captivity (n.) the state of being kept in a cage

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以下連結是ALL+ 2014年5月份雜誌光碟檔,免費分享,請自行服用,服用完畢請刪除。


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If I could fly的作文講解練習到囉

運用假設法和wish的用法來描述你目前不可能達到的事情,題目是If I could fly,

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